Tuesday, February 22, 2011

23 Feb - StUdyY ???

STUDY !!!!! NO !!!!! Dont mention it infront of me....Why??? because i'm so lazy when about to study...Study always bored to me...Reading,writing and so on...Why study can't be like playing game...I really like to playing game...Most of my time is spent for computer games...Study??Only went lecturer give assignment..hahahaha..But in this week,i have so many assignment and tomorrow i have UBI 1022 test !!!! arh !!!! so tension !!!!But what can i do...I'm a student..And student work is to study...But nowdays,study not just about book or coming to class...Thankz to technology,i can do exercise of one my favorite subject UBI 1022 in KELIP !!! madam...i'm not lie about this...It sincerely from my heart...Even though, i hate english when i in primary school....hahahaha...That's all for today and it's time for me to playing game !!! hahahaha...weeeehhuuuu....GAME I'M COMING !!!!


waw said...

I'm happy to know that you enjoy doing exercises through KeLiP...:)

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