Saturday, February 19, 2011

20 FeB - oUr liFe SpaN beCome MorE lOng oR sHort ???

Become more long or short??? We see that our life become more long but in logically our life become more short not more long...Why i say this !!! Because any minute will we die...More long we life,more faster we will face ALLAH...Every day i have thinking this question..I hope my answer up there is wrong....Because too many things i didn't achieved yet.... Yes !!! I become old and more old...That's why i'm scared...I'm not good person at all...Sometime i do bad things too...But,we all are normal human being right??Life is thing that we can't control...U may say that our        movement can plan so we can't doing bad things...
BUT,that not help me to prevent me and it become so frustrated when it's not going to what we want....And that time i badly want to scream to myself...I hope i can be a better person first before facing ALLAH...And i hope all u guys that read this expression of my will appreciate your life and become better person than before !!!


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