Saturday, February 26, 2011

27 fEb - Work or Study ???

i;m very sad today...Today maybe the worst day ever....Why??? Because i have a lot of assignment to do and i cant help my friend in their problem...My friend now in critical situation...Because his father not well now and his father dont want to go hospital because lack of money...And now he always think to work and work...Not in single mind of his brain to think about his study anymore...I only can give advice to him...Maybe my advice is not good enough for his..But friend,i only can give you advice..And about money,sorry i cant help you...Because i lack of money too...But if you dont have money to eat,dont shy to borrow money from me...I dont have a lot of money but i think my PTPTN can support our life together i this campus..Friend is like family to me..When we have hard time,we will face it together...Friend,i hope your father will cure from his sickness as soon as the possible...And my friend,dont be shy to share your problem with me !!!!


waw said...

sometimes one loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives...

ajiedreil said...

yeah iknow his condision now..we only can support him from back as afriend..and pray for his father recover from illness

Anonymous said...

Who are you talking about???
can you mention his name???
i'm ALSO want to helps him.....

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