Monday, March 21, 2011

21 MarCh - Who ThE beSt aNd beAt tHe ResT ???

Halimah aka KAK LIMAH
Atikah aka KAKA

Forum?? I never think that i will involved in forum...How the situation??? hahaha...I don't want to remember it anymore...Because i think i am the worst person in my group...But today i will tell you who are best moderator and panel in the forum section...Not my failure in that forum section...hahahaha...I think all my friends has try the best way to succeed in the forum...But i think the most successful person as moderator is Atikah Nazri...Or as known as KAKA !!! hahaha...Why i choose her??? Don't misunderstanding...I  not choosing her because she are girl..I choose her because Kaka very good when speaking in english and good with eye contact...And i choose Halimah Osman as the best panel because i suprise when she can speak english clearly and talk like she not nervous at all...I want to learn all that from her...She looks like genius person..That's all for today...thank you for Reading Guys !!!!

The best topic is
GAMBLING !!!    


QaQa said...

my name is nuratiQah nazri oke..
with the letter Q,, not K..
by the way thanx for choosing me.. as a panel,, you are not bad either,, it just,, you are a bit SHY~~ hehehehehe...

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