Monday, March 14, 2011

14 MarcH - ToDay is SUCK !!!!!

ARH!!!!!!! tension,angry,lonely already  in my heart now...I dont know why.... I feel like something bad will happen to my...But...In university,bad things dont happen to me...When i go outside to filling gas in my motorbike,bad things dont happen to me either...I really in mess right now...I just hope that nothing bad wiil happen to my family...My family at johor and i now at's not easy to visit my family if bad things happen to them....If i have a lot of money right now,i will  buy airplane ticket to visit my family..BUT !!! Only god know what i feel right now...So far away from family is so difficult...When some memories suddenly come,i feel so sad..I dont want that thing will happen again...What is it??? Its was memories when my mother gone forever...I know that live or death is in ALLAH hand...But...I always pray for my father safety and will have a healthy live...I just want to help my father and i want him to see me succes in my live....I hope my wish will granted...


waw said...

My deepest sympathy in the lose of your mother. It's not easy...Memories may last a lifetime and stay special in our hearts. Allah takes the very best.
I wish you all the strength and patience you will need in the months and years to come.
Prayer will be your medicine.

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