Wednesday, March 30, 2011

1 ApRil - Trip To JoHor !!!!

from google image
from google image
Excited or kind of boring...Why?? i feel excited because i will go trip to johor with my classmates...But unfortunately,i feel kind of boring because johor is place that i usually go with my family...I born in johor and I live at johor...To me..johor have nothing special..But i don't know what my friends think...Actually,we go to johor because we have to visit University Technology Malaysia ( UTM ) and Tanjung Pelepas Port ( PTP )...At UTM many activities could we done...One of the activities is see fruits garden...It will be so much fun..Because i really like to eat fruit...Fruits have many nutritious...Its good for our health...And at PTP we can see a lot of ship..We also can see how they can manage Export an Import...That all from me...BYE !!!
from google image


QaQa said...

it's not that bored lorh..
we got sleep time a lot!!
hepy what...hehehe..^^

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