Monday, February 28, 2011

28 Feb - MonEy !!!!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

27 fEb - Work or Study ???

i;m very sad today...Today maybe the worst day ever....Why??? Because i have a lot of assignment to do and i cant help my friend in their problem...My friend now in critical situation...Because his father not well now and his father dont want to go hospital because lack of money...And now he always think to work and work...Not in single mind of his brain to think about his study anymore...I only can give advice to him...Maybe my advice is not good enough for his..But friend,i only can give you advice..And about money,sorry i cant help you...Because i lack of money too...But if you dont have money to eat,dont shy to borrow money from me...I dont have a lot of money but i think my PTPTN can support our life together i this campus..Friend is like family to me..When we have hard time,we will face it together...Friend,i hope your father will cure from his sickness as soon as the possible...And my friend,dont be shy to share your problem with me !!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

24 fEb - WeEeHhuUuU !!!!!!

Hahahaha !!!Gud Bye progress test 1.....During in progress test 1,my heart beat such as engine super turbo..Really fast...200km per minute.. But,it so relieved when lecturer said time up...But deep in my heart,i'm afraid if i have so many wrong answer...Now i only can pray and hope the best for my paper...Go Am !!!!!!! chaYo0ok!!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

23 Feb - StUdyY ???

STUDY !!!!! NO !!!!! Dont mention it infront of me....Why??? because i'm so lazy when about to study...Study always bored to me...Reading,writing and so on...Why study can't be like playing game...I really like to playing game...Most of my time is spent for computer games...Study??Only went lecturer give assignment..hahahaha..But in this week,i have so many assignment and tomorrow i have UBI 1022 test !!!! arh !!!! so tension !!!!But what can i do...I'm a student..And student work is to study...But nowdays,study not just about book or coming to class...Thankz to technology,i can do exercise of one my favorite subject UBI 1022 in KELIP !!! madam...i'm not lie about this...It sincerely from my heart...Even though, i hate english when i in primary school....hahahaha...That's all for today and it's time for me to playing game !!! hahahaha...weeeehhuuuu....GAME I'M COMING !!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

20 FeB - oUr liFe SpaN beCome MorE lOng oR sHort ???

Become more long or short??? We see that our life become more long but in logically our life become more short not more long...Why i say this !!! Because any minute will we die...More long we life,more faster we will face ALLAH...Every day i have thinking this question..I hope my answer up there is wrong....Because too many things i didn't achieved yet.... Yes !!! I become old and more old...That's why i'm scared...I'm not good person at all...Sometime i do bad things too...But,we all are normal human being right??Life is thing that we can't control...U may say that our        movement can plan so we can't doing bad things...
BUT,that not help me to prevent me and it become so frustrated when it's not going to what we want....And that time i badly want to scream to myself...I hope i can be a better person first before facing ALLAH...And i hope all u guys that read this expression of my will appreciate your life and become better person than before !!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

14 FeB - BaD fo0D

What !!!! BAD FOOD !!!! Don't be surprised in nowdays...Because many people want islam to be destroy...We as muslim and muslimat must know what we eat to guard the sancity of islam...I have read an articles about TOP EIGHT MOST EVIL FOOD !!! Maybe many people don't know about it because their too busy surfing facebook then read about one IMPORTANT article...In that article,cola drinks,Store-bought chocolate chip cookies,Full-fat cheeses,Chocolate doughnuts,Regular bacon,. Beef hot dogs,Chocolate truffles including onion potato chips is harmfull to our body...The word ‘evil’ itself has caught my full attention where the article exposes the bad side of our daily delicacies... Most people would never think that Cola drinks are the most evil thing they could ever consume. Frankly speaking, I myself thought that junk foods will conquer the top of the pyramid of the worst food in the world.What exactly do Cola drinks contain that make it so bad? Well, as far as I am concern, it contains a very large amount of sugar, what makes it tastes so sweet and it has a large amount of Co2, which is the carbon dioxide, where the gas came from. These ingredients of Cola drinks make them very dangerous to the body, especially Coca Cola, the most evil of Cola drinks. The level of sugar in every can of Cola drinks consumed can increase the risk for oneself to have diabetes, heart attack and other fatal illness .The other seven foods are also foe to someone’s health because they provide same bad effect to body, same as the threat Cola drinks have to offer. As soon as I read this article, I’m starting to discover that some of the foods in the list are also in my list of daily consumption, mainly Cola drinks. Then I was determine to turn over a new leaf in my diet so I started to stop eating sour cream and onion chips, chocolate doughnuts, and chocolate truffles as I was aware of the consequences to my health if I don’t stop eating them. I cannot afford to destroy my own body just to eat these temporary delicious foods. However, I am yet to stop drinking Cola drinks because they are one of my favorite but fortunately, I had put a limit on the quantity of Cola drinks I drink every day. This was inevitable because I love to drink Cola drinks as it kind of soothes me up and plus, I heard, we can drink carbonated drinks but make it occasionally so the body could tolerate and neutralizes the threat. That is what I am trying to do. So remember, if we could not stop the consumption of these foods on the spot, it always can be done step by step, as long as we have the will to remove these kind of food off our daily meals.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

10 FeB - eVeniNg aCtiVity

Warming Up

Top Player
Tension,Bored,Become Crazy !!!! What's that??? When the clock shows that it is 5pm,it is time to enjoy...Study??? Sorry it's time to sweat...With a ball we just bought last week,we played football at in front of gymnasium...Why?? Because in front of the gymnasium,there are many beautiful girls...So we became more energetic especially Ashrol....hahaha...Sometimes we jog around the university before playing football...Usually we will play football for one hour from 5pm until 6pm..We play for a short period only because we are short of players,there are only 6 of us..Sometimes,Amy will get tired quickly so we will stop playing..Sorry amy..Even though Amy does not have a lot of stamina,he has some good skills and technique.He can be a great defender if he plays in rugby because he have a big and strong body..Do you want to know why i am not in the picture??Because if i were in the picture then who will snap the picture???To know more activity have we done...Stay alert in this blog and become followers..