Wednesday, March 30, 2011

1 ApRil - Trip To JoHor !!!!

from google image
from google image
Excited or kind of boring...Why?? i feel excited because i will go trip to johor with my classmates...But unfortunately,i feel kind of boring because johor is place that i usually go with my family...I born in johor and I live at johor...To me..johor have nothing special..But i don't know what my friends think...Actually,we go to johor because we have to visit University Technology Malaysia ( UTM ) and Tanjung Pelepas Port ( PTP )...At UTM many activities could we done...One of the activities is see fruits garden...It will be so much fun..Because i really like to eat fruit...Fruits have many nutritious...Its good for our health...And at PTP we can see a lot of ship..We also can see how they can manage Export an Import...That all from me...BYE !!!
from google image

Monday, March 21, 2011

21 MarCh - Who ThE beSt aNd beAt tHe ResT ???

Halimah aka KAK LIMAH
Atikah aka KAKA

Forum?? I never think that i will involved in forum...How the situation??? hahaha...I don't want to remember it anymore...Because i think i am the worst person in my group...But today i will tell you who are best moderator and panel in the forum section...Not my failure in that forum section...hahahaha...I think all my friends has try the best way to succeed in the forum...But i think the most successful person as moderator is Atikah Nazri...Or as known as KAKA !!! hahaha...Why i choose her??? Don't misunderstanding...I  not choosing her because she are girl..I choose her because Kaka very good when speaking in english and good with eye contact...And i choose Halimah Osman as the best panel because i suprise when she can speak english clearly and talk like she not nervous at all...I want to learn all that from her...She looks like genius person..That's all for today...thank you for Reading Guys !!!!

The best topic is
GAMBLING !!!    

Saturday, March 19, 2011

20 march - HanDpHonE ???

from google image
In this age,who has the technology he has a power to overcome people....One of the technology is telephone or known as handphone...Why question is...Handphone is our priority or our desire???...Some people consider it as priority and some people consider it as desire...Handphone become priority when we want to contact our lecturer or more important such as family...But handphone only desire when its only use to hear music or capture picture....Handphone have been usefull to everyone in the world now...Even my young sister use handphone...How old she is?? She only 7 years old...Dont be suprised..Even younger than my sister have handphone right now...But that not i want to talking about...Nowdays, adolescent have use handphone in wrong ways...They use to see pornographic,prank calls and many other things...That very bad things and not good to our habits...so0o0....Who has usually do this,i'm recommend all you to pray for your forgiveness to Allah...And i hope,teenagers will use handphone wisely and appreciate that thing...


Monday, March 14, 2011

14 MarcH - ToDay is SUCK !!!!!

ARH!!!!!!! tension,angry,lonely already  in my heart now...I dont know why.... I feel like something bad will happen to my...But...In university,bad things dont happen to me...When i go outside to filling gas in my motorbike,bad things dont happen to me either...I really in mess right now...I just hope that nothing bad wiil happen to my family...My family at johor and i now at's not easy to visit my family if bad things happen to them....If i have a lot of money right now,i will  buy airplane ticket to visit my family..BUT !!! Only god know what i feel right now...So far away from family is so difficult...When some memories suddenly come,i feel so sad..I dont want that thing will happen again...What is it??? Its was memories when my mother gone forever...I know that live or death is in ALLAH hand...But...I always pray for my father safety and will have a healthy live...I just want to help my father and i want him to see me succes in my live....I hope my wish will granted...