Friday, April 15, 2011

16 April - Last Post and the most sad post i haved post !!!!

Good Bye and Farewell....Thank you for teaching me during this semester...Sorry if you have been hurt by my attitude...Maybe i'm always late to went to your class,maybe i soo lazy to do your assignment and maybe i soo bad during the class..But deep in my heart,you are my precious lecturer in this semester....You one and only one lecturer in this world..Same as the meaning of your name...You giving soo much memory that I can't forget...And i hope i never forget you...And I wish I could marry someone like you....


16 April - Patrick star is the best character that i admire !!!!

from google image
from google image
If i said patrick star all of us must know that are one of character in spongebob squarepant series...Why i admire patrick than spongebob ?? Because patrick is more cute than spongebob..Although patrick kind like very stupid but sometime it help spongebob solve their problem...Patrick is very hopefull...Patrick sometime good in making joke than spongebob...I very like he when he make joke...Patrick not like other anime character that i haven seen...It one and only one in this world of anime....


16 April - Study Week or Crazy Week ???

from google image
The best thing or the worst things...When we get day off ,it should be fun...But when it study week, it are crazy time...We only can look book,book, and BOOK .... ARH !!!! soo boring !!!! Sometime we maybe want to have fun...But we have a limited time... If we so happy enjoy our day off, our final exam will be badly..Soo i don't want that happen...I want do my best in final exam...i really really really really JEALOUS when i look my friends succeed in their final exam.. I want to be like him too...Soo the best effort that i can doing is study,study,study and STUDY !!!! 

from google image


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

14 ApriL - Anime

Anime is GOOD or BAD to us...Anime is created from our imagination...Anime is fun for kid...But for teenagers, Anime not fun anymore to them..I think Anime is suitable for all levels of society....Anime not for kids only but for teenagers too...It can improve our imagination...My opinion imagination is important to us to create a new future if we become leader to our country.....that's all...This are example of anime...Hope you enjoy !!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

5 ApriL - Be alone Actually Not So Bad !!!!

Past few month, i thought that be alone were boring...But my perception change when yesterday wondered one situation..I wondered why shy people always sit in their room and never hang up wit their friend...Now i know why...Maybe they always sit in  their room because they don't want to be bother when their study..Because some people need quiet place to study...Secondly i think,they want to practice their english language..To practice speak english we need to talk to each other with our friend...But shy people,they are to shy to talk with their friends...So they can only practice with them self in mirror ...Maybe when some people see their talking to mirror..they will thought that person are crazy...That why shy people sit in their room.... This only MAYBE !!!....

                                             i think i want to be like AIDI !!!!! hahahaha